Friday, February 28, 2014

Are We Alone...or Nah?


       Do you ever think we are the only planet with life? What if there are others just like us? What sounds scarier being alone or facing what's in the unknown? Many people already know about the Mars rover on Mars. NASA had it roaming around trying to find any living life on Mars. There even has been evidence of life on Jupiter's moon Europa before an ice age which took over the moon.

 What if we were able to look beyond our solar system? Would we find 1000's of planets like Earth, or is it just full of uninhabited planets. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to learn more about this vast universe we are just a small part of.

Here is a link that gives more information about what we are trying to learn.

    So the question is are we alone.. or nah?
    Here is a link to an interesting video...

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